$500 Million Anti-Smoking Pledge

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CHAN:According to the World Health Organization smoking kills more people than AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria. But now Microsoft founder Bill Gates and New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, are teaming up to change all of that. Let's take a closer look at how the plan to tackle the issue. STORY: On Wednesday in Times Square, Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg announced that they will commit $500 million to reduce global tobacco use. Mayor Bloomberg says he'll add an additional $250 million to his "Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use” program, which was started in 2005. China, India, Indonesia, and some African nations, are but a few of the many countries that will benefit from this humanitarian effort. Earlier this year, World Health Organization Director-General Margaret Chan released the "MPOWER package” to help governments adopt the most effective measures to counter tobacco use. About a billion people smoke worldwide, and five million of them die each year from tobacco-related causes. NTD New York


$500 Million Anti-Smoking Pledgeの関連動画
