全米オープン fight - U.S. Open テニス Fight - (New) - In HD!

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http://www.mobsnews.com - us open fight - Here's something you wouldn't see at Wimbledon, a fight in the upper stands at U.S. Open tennis on Thursday evening during the featured match between Serbia's Novak Djokovic and Germany's Philipp Petzschner. It starts with a woman fan becoming incensed over the f-bombs a male fan was throwing around and getting into an argument with him, complete with exaggerated gestures.After about a minute, an older man, whom the New York Post said was the woman's father, got her out of the way and threw a punch (at 1:09). The younger man fought back and landed on top of him, at which point the brawl is on. It takes 30 seconds before security personnel respond to the calls of "HEY, SECURITY!" and restore order."It's a hot night in New York. Things happen," Chris Widmaier, a US Tennis Association spokesman said.The us open fight delayed the match for a few minutes. When everything got back to normal, Djokovic continued his straight-set victory. No arrests were made. As the YouTube videographer says, "Fuggedaboutit!"Hey guy's, don't fight! Go to: http://www.mobsnews.com and learn how to make money online instead!


全米オープン fight - U.S. Open テニス Fight - (New) - In HD!の関連動画
