李娜勇夺法网冠军 Li Na Wins 全仏オープン Championship 2/2 [HD]

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PARIS, June 4 (Xinhua) -- History-making Li Na claimed the first-ever grand slam women's singles title for China and Asia, beating defending champion Francesca Schiavone of Italy 6-4, 7-6 (7-0) in the French Open final here on Saturday.Li Na, 29, became the 38th tennis player in the world to claim a grand slam singles title.The triumph also raised Li Na from No. 7 to No. 4 on the WTA rankings."I felt today the dream came true," said Li, who lay on the clay court after Schiavone fired the last shot out of the baseline. "When I was young, I dreamed about becoming a grand slam champion someday."While leading 6-0 in the tiebreaker in the second set, Li reminded herself to be cool."I kept telling myself: Okay, don't do stupid thing. You need one point, and then you can get it," Li said after the post-game press conference.Even though her serve was interrupted by a shout from one of her supporters, the Asian top player kept her nerve to finish the clash with this point.Li Na had already made history at the French Open, having been the first Chinese woman to advance to quarterfinals, semifinals and final.In the Australian Open earlier this year, Li Na stunned the world as the first Chinese woman to be in a grand slam singles final.Li said her Italian rival put up a good game."The opponent is very tough, and it's a great game. At the last second when she hit the ball out, I really wanted to cry," Li added.Having far more direct winners than Schiavone, Li dominated the final with her powerful and sharp-angled strokes, breaking Schiavone's third serve game in the first set and the first in the second set.Schiavone, 30, a dark horse in last year's French Open who had eliminated Li Na in the then third round, played with all her weapons, such as high-bounced serves, great volleys and spinning balls.6月4日,李娜在颁奖仪式上亲吻奖杯。当日,在2011年法网女单决赛中,中国选手李娜以2比0战胜意大利选手斯齐亚沃尼,夺得冠军。这是亚洲选手第一次夺得大满贯赛单打冠军。新华社记者高静摄 新华网巴黎6月4日电(记者张薇)随着斯基亚沃内的回球出界,李娜纵情躺倒在红土场上。4日的这一时刻,罗兰·加洛斯见证了奇迹,中国乃至亚洲的荣耀印证着李娜灿烂的笑脸。 法网女单决赛赛场上,一路突破的中国网球领军人物李娜直落两盘将意大利的卫冕冠军斩落马下,成为第一个捧起大满贯赛事单打奖杯的亚洲人。 虽然30岁的斯基亚沃内曾在去年的法网比赛中让李娜止步32强,但如今的亚洲"一姐"已然更加强大,继澳网杀入决赛后又挺进法网冠军争夺战,李娜咄咄逼人的进攻,让斯基亚沃内疲于奔命。李娜一拍接一拍的强攻,斯基亚沃内在"啊嘿"的喊声中顽强防守,不过几个致命的正手底线回球后,李娜还是在第五局破发,从而以6:4拿下首盘。 每分的间隙,都会从菲利普·沙特里耶球场的不同角落传来"李娜加油"的喊声,那是国人在为中国的骄傲呐喊;紧随其后还会有更加响亮的"Na Li,Na Li"的助威声,那是为李娜球技所折服的外国观众表达情感。 捷克的9号种子科维托娃、白俄罗斯的4号种子阿扎伦卡、俄罗斯的7号种子莎拉波娃,李娜的每一步突破都伴随着一个世界前十外加夺冠热门的出局。从第一个晋级法网女单八强的中国球员,到第二次成为亚洲唯一代表,站在大满贯单打决赛场上,29岁的李娜坚定地告诉众人,她,准备好了。 决赛第二盘中,29岁的李娜首局便强力破发,但是坚韧的斯基亚沃内拒绝放弃。她早就说过,她和李娜都拥有坚强的意志力,逆转的滋味对她而言并不陌生。当斯基亚沃内将她的削球、上旋球打到极致,李娜的失误开始增多,当斯基亚沃内在第八局时终于反破得手、将比分扳成4:4平,她那沉默已久的助威团又开始齐齐拍手歌唱。 然而,自言"心理足够强大"的李娜并没有手软,当她继续着又快又狠的强攻,而且面对斯基亚沃内的小球战术也毫不示弱时,意大利人有些招架不住了。一次,两次,斯基亚沃内开始跟裁判为球是否出界不依不饶地理论,在李娜保发成功,将比赛带入抢七局后,胜利的天平彻底偏向了亚洲"一姐"。7:0,李娜把自己的名字刻在了苏珊·格朗格杯上。 大满贯冠军梦终于成真,李娜的世界排名也将从第七跃居至第四,平了日本名将伊达公子创造的亚洲最高排名。她在山呼海啸般的掌声中将奖杯高高举过头顶,五星红旗也第一次在大满贯赛球场升起。


李娜勇夺法网冠军 Li Na Wins 全仏オープン Championship 2/2 [HD]の関連動画
