*ナダル テニス*: When To Use The Buggy Whip LIke (ナダル)

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http://jeffsalzensteintennis.com CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE TENNIS REPORT!!! Amazing tennis lesson to improve your ability to handle low slice shots like Nadal. Use the buggy whip or reverse forehand forehand against this low slicing shots. Nadal uses the reverse forehand to handle the slices from his opponents. The reverse forehand can be used on low balls and just about any shot. Make sure your finish right over your head and just in front of your face with the back of the palm facing you on the reverse forehand just like Nadal.Nadal actually extends through the ball before he wraps his racquet around his head. Former ATP Top 100, USTA High Performance Coach and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Jeff Salzenstein, reveals in a FREE VIDEO one secret on how to handle tough low balls with the buggy whip forehand. You can get more FREE INFO at http://jeffsalzensteintennis.com and at http://tennisnutritionsecrets.com


*ナダル テニス*: When To Use The Buggy Whip LIke (ナダル)の関連動画
