43 Nations Form Historic Mediterranean Union

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SelectPlus43 Nations Form Historic Mediterranean Union43 Nations Form Historic Mediterranean UnionThe Associated PressFrench President Nicolas Sarkozy urged the disparate and conflicted countries around the Mediterranean Sea on Sunday to make peace as European rivals did in the 20th century as he launched an unprecedented Union for the Mediterranean. (July 13)France's president shook hands with the Israeli's prime minister and the Palestinian president to symbolize a new union a 40 countries from Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. (NATS IN FRENCH)NICOLAS SARKOZY, FRENCH PRESIDENT:THE PURPOSE OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SUMMIT, OF THIS UNION FOR THE MEDITERRANEAN IS THAT PEOPLE LEARN TO LOVE EACH OTHER IN THE MEDITERRANEAN REGION INSTEAD OF KEEPING ON HATING EACH OTHER, AND FIGHTING EACH OTHER. THE FACT THAT EVERYBODY IS IN THE SAME ROOM FOR THE SAME MEETING, IT IS AN HISTORICAL EVENT.Nicolas Sarkozy called the Mediterranean Summit in Paris an historic event. The union includes 800-million people. Sarkozy compared the effort to the effort that created the European Union.(SOT: JAVIER SOLANA, EUROPEAN UNION FOREIGN POLICY CHIEF) "NO DOUBT MEETINGS OF THIS NATURE IN WHICH PEOPLE FROM ALL AVENUES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN GET TOGETHER, IT WILL BE ALSO IMPORTANT TO CREATE THE ATMOSPHERE AND GIVE IT THE SENSE OF MOMENTUM, FOR THE PEACE PROCESS ALSO." Egypt's president said the countries are linked by a common destiny. Hosni Mubarak called for reducing the wealth gap between northern and southern countries in the new union.Sunday's meeting was seen as more significant for the bodies gathered than for any immediate progress.(NATS IN HEBREW) EHUD OLMERT, ISRAELI PRIME MINISTER: "OF COURSE THERE WILL BE OBSTACLES, PROBLEMS, DISAGREEMENTS BUT WE HAVE NEVER BEEN AS CLOSE TO THE POSSIBILITY OF COMING TO AN AGREEMENT AS WE ARE TODAY. AND I THINK THAT THE PALESTINIAN AUTHORITY AND THE ISRAELI STATE WILL BE ABLE TO TAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS WHICH WILL TAKE US TO A STAGE WHICH WE HAVE NEVER BEFORE REACHED."Israeli Prime minister Ehud Olmert said that his country has never been as close as to the possibility of coming to a peace agreement with the Palestinians as it is now.(NATS IN ARABIC)MAHMOUD ABBAS, PALESTINIAN PRESIDENT: "WE KNOW THAT WE ARE COMMITTED TO THE ROADMAP AND THE INTERNATIONAL RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS. THEREFORE, WE HAVE NO ALTERNATIVE BUT TO ACHIEVE THIS PEACE. FOR THE SAKE OF OUR PEOPLES, THE PALESTINIAN AND ISRAELI PEOPLES, THE PEOPLES OF THE MIDDLE EAST AND FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD. BECAUSE WE KNOW THAT PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE BASIS OF PEACE IN THE WORLD."Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said there is no alternative but to achieve peace.Sarkozy also secured a preliminary agreement between the Syrian and Lebanese presidents that they would open embassies in each others' countries for the first time. ___ ___, The Associated Press.


43 Nations Form Historic Mediterranean Unionの関連動画
