Cargo 200 (Груз 200)

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再生時間:07:23, Stv, 2007. Drama. USSR. 1984. The end of the Soviet era. Somewhere in the province. After a visit to a disco, the daughter of a high member of the party disappears. There are no witnesses. There are no suspects. That same night someone is cruelly murdered in a house in the outskirts of the city. The murderer is the owner of the house. Both cases are assigned to captain Zhurov..."Freigth 200" is Alexei Balabanov's eleventh movie."A new movie by Balabanov about the death of totalitarianism. In 1984, on the eve of the perestroika, when shadow of life under the Soviets has thickened to the extreme... With "Freight 200", the director promises to explain everything about himself, about the country and its heroes. A lot more cruel then his previous movies..." (STS, "Cinema in details"). Cast: Leonid Gromov, Agnya Kuznetsova, Aleksey Serebryakov, Natalya Akimova, Sergey Aleksandrov, Valentina Andryukova, Konstantin Balakirev, Aleksandr Bashirov, Leonid Bichevin, Yulya Glazunova, Lyudmila Egorova, Dmitry Karpov, Olga Kirsanova-miropolskaya, Marina Korolkova, Dmitry Kubasov, Igor Malukhin, Andrey Mokeev, Aleksandr Mosin, Anzhelika Nevolina, Marya Nikiforova, Ilya Plyatskovsky, Aleksey Poluyan, Irina Rakshina, Mikhail Skryabin, Mikhail Sokolov, Yury Stepanov, Aleksandr Ustinov, Alena Falaleeva, Pavel Yulku. Director Aleksey Balabanov.


Cargo 200 (Груз 200)の関連動画
